Desolation Sound Kayaking Skills Workshop

This year we expanded out repertoire and joined Ocean River Sports of Victoria BC for a skills workshop for kayakers that wanted to go beyond the basic skill set. Gary Doran of ORS and Luke Hyatt (our son-in-law and Lead Guide for Mothership Adventures) joined forces for a great tour. There were lots of lessons and practice, and with the Columbia III we moved to new areas each day so there were great touring opportunities too.

There are areas in the BC Desolation Sound / Discovery Islands that have dramatic tidal rapids and learning more about these challenging waters was a big part of this course.

Orca whales do live in the Desolation Sound area but they are not a common sight so this lively fellow was a great addition to the tour. And what a great shot!

Gary demonstrates a “no paddle roll” as Luke looks on.

Pam has come on several of our tours, Broughton Archipelago, Great Bear Rainforest and Desolation Sound . . . here she has a quiet moment.

Mmm! Learning is hard work and the mind needs sustenance for the soul (stomach). . . a Deep Baked French Toast starts the day just right.

Ok, ok, I am the skipper on a swanky 68′ luxury yacht . . . I like my nice warm, soft, bed . . . but no,no,no! Here Gary is teaching our lead guide how to SLEEP in his kayak . . . You do get a bit wet, but hey, it looks cool from the vantage of my polished teak hand rail with my coffee mug in hand!!!