The Columbia III emerges!!!

After working alone the whole winter on the Columbia III, installing a new radar, electronic compass, fuel transfer system, satellite phone, and zillions of small upgrades and minor maintenance details  (some one has to change the water filters), the crew began working in earnest on the annual painting refit on the first of April. Now, a month and many hours and sheets of sand paper later . . . we pulled the mothership carefully out of the boatshed. Everyone came down for the ceremony, the splendour! and the excitement! WOW! She really, really looks shiny and perfect. But after all that effort she’d better look good.The Columbia III emerges after winter refit

Skipper/lead guide Luke Hyatt makes sure the delicate and expensive bits on the roof clear the door safely.Luke Hyatt assists the mothership out of the boat shed

“Pull Farlyn!”Pull Farlyn!

Now here is a hero shot! The masts go up for the summer. The boat won’t be back in  its sheltering home until late next October.And the masts go up on the Columbia III for 2012 kayaking season on the BC coast

Grandson Theo helps mom, just by sleeping  amongst the dock paraphanalia.Grandson Theo helps the mothership

And mom, Miray, carries load after load back onto the Columbia III in preparation for her 2012 season.Supplies provisioning the COLUMBIA III for 2012 BC sea kayaking season


As I stood back to admire all the hard work that has gone into preparing the Columbia III, I noticed the reflection. “Now that’s a shiny boat! Look at the bell!” Even on a dull grey day, the bell cast a reflection on the wheelhouse wall.Ready for the Great Bear rainforest  eco tours