We began our season with artist Mike Svob joining us. This was a new collaboration for us but as often happens, I doubt it will be the last time we see Mike. “Fun”, “informative”, “relaxed”, are the words that come to mind. Lots of instruction and lots of time to paint on one’s own.
Here Mike demonstrates his unique style for painting and now, the finished painting hangs on the wall in the salon of the Columbia III.
. . . and Jeanette Taylor joined us again for another spectacular tour of Bute Inlet.
The weather was warm and calm. It seemed a “girls only” party organically “happened” on the front deck . . .. . I crashed it, of course.
. . . and Robert Genn joined us for his third time in 4 years. The boat gets prepared for little spills and everyone dives in!
It is so cool for me to have such talented tour leaders such as Robert Genn working his magic right before my eyes on the back deck of the Columbia III.
A Robert Genn participant on the front deck of the Columbia III.
Robert Genn likes this little island. We call it Robert’s island. Note the hand rails and decks covered in plastic to allow Robert full expansive artistic expression (“read messy”) and me to relax and have the mothership look spotless for the rest of the summer.
It’s not all about “nose to the grindstone” instruction and lessons and homework. There is some time to sip good scotch ( the bottle Bob gave me and then “needed” to borrow back!) talk “ART” and, for some, a cigar on the back deck.
Robert leaving an “original Genn” in our guest log book.
Fern helps a new crew member, Erin Rowsell, learn the ropes of the mothership galley and our unique approach to customer service.
Erin is a great addition to our crew, bringing lots of fun and expertise to the galley.
- luxury small ship cruising on the British Columbia Canada coast
Some late evening low angle glow . . .
We seem to have many excuses a summer to hang decorations, light candles and pop champagne corks. Here we all celebrate a big day. The paddlers returned at the end of their day to a festive ship.
Ocean River Sport’s of Victoria BC collaborate with us for a kayaking skills building tour. Here is their lead instructor, Gary Doran leading a lesson on compasses. This is a great way to learn, explore and have fun simultaneously. We have had several guest return for another tour. They must be slow learners, devils for punishment or maybe they like something here?!
Learning to kayak in BC’s treacherous tidal currents is a great skill to acquire with expert help close by.
And the scenery is not bad on the breaks in the “rigorous” training schedule.
Gearing up for the next play in the tidal rapids of Surge Narrows.